Tuesday, June 14, 2011

oh no!!high appetite...


i dunno why..i had high appetite recently...oh no..my weight already in high level..hihi...then,dis will make me gain my weight more n more...hu3..
actually,in dis my condition now,mybe i must be lost appetite...huuu...

ok,lets see dis pics...

nasi ayam yg sedap.. :)

mee rebus yg pekat...kawww... :)

nasi minyak aym masak merah...yummy!!

u can get those food in NASI MINYAK HOUSE in kajang...do try ya!!!
hve wnderful day!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

the cruel world...


morning frenz... :)
today is sunday..emm..im alone here..my frenz go out..i cant follow bcoz hve another works to do...hu3...
nowadayz..we alwyz heard about bad newz:killing..killing n killing..
kill the baby without mercy..b4 this, we heard that there was baby thrown from the level 5...so bad..for the ones who did it!!!they aka the murders thought that it was familiar with them...i cant accept it..sorry!
but i know...the human now is worse than syaitan...hu3..
mybe we r near to the end of the world...
is it enough our 'bekal' to bring for the next world???
lets 'muhasabah' ourslves...

Friday, June 10, 2011


lme rse xupdate blog..bmcm2 dlalui..huu...
Alhmdulillah,mudh2an berakhir dgn baik nnti...
tibe2 sy ingin katakan..
---sy xlayak brade d cni dan sy brade di stuasi yg srba slh dan sy tlh myakitkn ati seseorg tnpe sy sdari...sy rse nk menangis--

ok,itu je... :)
then,xsbr nk balik kmpg nk jmpe abah ngn mak...dh rse mcm si tanggang pule..hu3...
kwn2,sy mhon doa kwn2 agr dpermudhkan sgalanye...insyaALLAH,bkl berakhir nnti dgn izinNYA...
+kita hnya mrncg tp DIA menentukannya......+